Taco ‘Bout an EV Party

San Diego Auto Museum 2080 Pan American Plaza, San Diego, CA

Support the Electric Vehicle Learning Center and load up on tacos at the San Diego Automotive Museum September 9 5-8pm Get your tickets at https://www.ev-lc.org

EV Conversion 101

Electric Vehicle Learning Center 1784 La Costa Meadows Drive, Suite 106, San Marcos, CA

Learn how to convert your car from gasoline to electric drive August 27 11am – 6pm Electric Vehicle Learning Center $105 per person https://www.rongrosinger.com/electric-car-conversion-101


EVs and Coffee

1784 La Costa Meadows Drive 1784 La Costa Meadows Drive, San Marcos, CA

Join EVA of SD & EV Learning Center for Cars & Coffee August 27 9 – 11 am No volunteers are needed for this event – purely social! Bring yourself and friends to mingle with the great people at the EV Learning Center.

August Monthly Zoom Meeting

Zoom - Virtual

Join Us Wednesday, August 10, @ 6 pm on Zoom This month's guest speaker is Dr. Michael Stadler! Since July 2018 Dr. Michael Stadler has been the Chief Technology Officer of the San Diego based XENDEE Corporation, which he co-founded. In this position he successfully commercialized Microgrid and renewable design methodologies from the Lab environment...

Electric Vehicle Adaptive Ride & Drive

Liberty Station Lot J: 2380 Cushing Rd, San Diego, CA

Join us Saturday, July 30 for the Electric Vehicle Adaptive Ride and Drive. SDG&E, Challenged Athletes Foundation and Toyota have teamed up and invite you to attend the first-ever Electric Vehicle Adaptive Ride & Drive. Free EV Adaptive Ride & Drive Highlights: • Test drive an assortment of electric vehicles (EVs) from Toyota adapted with...

Scripps Ranch 4th of July Parade

Join us for the Scripps Ranch 4th of July Parade. This is always a lot of fun. Bring your EV, decorate your car and socialize with other EV owners before the parade starts. We then drive the parade route and have fun interacting with the crowd as they notice how quiet and clean we are....

June Monthly Zoom Meeting

Virtual EV Meeting

Join Us Wednesday, June 8, @ 6 pm on Zoom This month we have a guest speaker - Zane DeVitre-Shalauta, Graduate student - Climate Science and Policy EV Infrastructure Zane is a graduate student in the Scripps Institute of Oceanography's program in climate science and policy. Transportation remains the largest source of carbon emissions in...

Arcimoto Demo Rides

Electric Vehicle Learning Center 1784 La Costa Meadows Drive, Suite 106, San Marcos, CA

Are you ready to ride? The Ride of the Arconauts traveling roadshow will be making a West Coast swing through California, with a stop at the Electric Vehicle Learning Center in San Marcos! This is your chance to get in the cockpit of an FUV and feel all the pure-electric thrills for yourself. Mark your...

Arcimoto Demo Rides

Electric Vehicle Learning Center 1784 La Costa Meadows Drive, Suite 106, San Marcos, CA

Are you ready to ride? The Ride of the Arconauts traveling roadshow will be making a West Coast swing through California, with a stop at the Electric Vehicle Learning Center in San Marcos! This is your chance to get in the cockpit of an FUV and feel all the pure-electric thrills for yourself. Mark your...

May Monthly Zoom Meeting

Virtual EV Meeting

Join Us Wednesday, May 11, 6 pm on Zoom Meet Peder Norby, from the Carlsbad City Council https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/elected-officials/council-member-peder-norby We will also share pictures and information from our many DEED (Drive Electric Earth Day) events which were all a huge success! Hope to see you all there! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtf-2spzIvGNKp-v7zqJy2qPe0D78j9_9Z After registering, you will receive a confirmation email...