Annual EVA Meeting
Aptera Headquarters Carlsbad, CAThe annual meeting for the national EVA will be held at Aptera's Headquarters in Carlsbad. This your chance as a member to meet with other members from around the country....
The annual meeting for the national EVA will be held at Aptera's Headquarters in Carlsbad. This your chance as a member to meet with other members from around the country....
Charging while your car is not used is the backbone of EV convenience. It makes owning an EV a no-brainer for anyone with a home garage. However, it's not so...
One of the biggest hurdles to EV adoption has been range anxiety. Public charging options are limited and reliability questionable. All the while, Tesla owners have had access to an...
Come out and see the new Cybertruck in a joint event with the San Diego Tesla Club. Terri and Elaine have each just taken possession of a new Cybertruck. Join...
Is it time to switch San Diego over to a municipal utility to supply power? Is such an idea even viable? This is an idea that has been floated through...
We've been asked to provideĀ six to twelve cars for display as part of the Rancho Bernardo Earth Day. The EVAoSD will be helping by providing electric vehicles and volunteers...
We've been invited to participate in the Earth Day celebration in Balboa Park. This is no longer the big event of years past but is now put on by the...
Help us promote electric vehicles at Spring Valley Day featuring a car show, art & craft fair, and live entertainment. For more information about the event and activities visit the...
We have again been invited to showcase electric vehicles at Coronado's MotorCars on MainStreet. Send us an email at to let us know if you are interested in displaying...
Join us as we help with the 10th Annual Lung Force Walk at Liberty Station. In addition the the fundraising walk, there will be a festival with interactive booths, food...