Snapdragon Stadium 2101 Stadium Way, San Diego, CA

Are you interested in EVs, but not sure how or where to start? Join SDG&E and their community partners for a fun day at Snapdragon Stadium to learn from local...

November 2023 – Thankful for Rivian

San Diego Automotive Museum 2080 Pan American Plaza, San Diego

Our November meeting will have members of the San Diego Rivian Club talking about the vehicles and ownership experience. They will also give us an opportunity to see both the...

MAAC Annual EVs and Coffee

MAAC North Campus 956 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista, CA

The Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee (MAAC) has invited us to join them for their annual EVs and Coffee event. Coffee and admission are FREE. Come learn about EVs or share...

December 2023 – Everything About EVs

Virtual EV Meeting

This month we will cover all the basics about EVs including vehicle types, charging, and incentives. If you are new to EVs, bring your questions. If you are a veteran...

San Diego Auto Show

San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego

December means it's time for the annual San Diego International Auto Show. We will again have a booth and need volunteer staff. Volunteers will answer questions about the EV experience...

January 2024 – SB350 and you

San Diego Automotive Museum 2080 Pan American Plaza, San Diego

How does SB350 impact you - both as an EV driver and as a resident of California? How much is a carrot and how much is a stick? The Clean...

Annual EVA Meeting

Aptera Headquarters Carlsbad, CA

The annual meeting for the national EVA will be held at Aptera's Headquarters in Carlsbad. This your chance as a member to meet with other members from around the country....

February 2024 – Expanding Level 2 Charging

San Diego Automotive Museum & Zoom 2080 Pan American Plaza, San Diego

Charging while your car is not used is the backbone of EV convenience. It makes owning an EV a no-brainer for anyone with a home garage. However, it's not so...

March 2024 – The End of Range Anxiety

Zoom - Virtual

One of the biggest hurdles to EV adoption has been range anxiety. Public charging options are limited and reliability questionable. All the while, Tesla owners have had access to an...